“Who knew one hour could make such a difference! It certainly does when you're working with Kirsty.”
Being early on in my freelance career, I found myself being a victim to overwhelm. I've been finding it difficult to see the right path ahead for me and what actionable steps I need to take in order to get there.
Kirsty delved straight into things with me, taking the time to understand my thoughts, concerns and ideas. She helped me find clarity in what it was I really wanted to be doing and where I wanted to be heading.
She has seriously helped me start to fit those jigsaw pieces together. Kirsty is supportive, friendly, knowledgeable and inspirational with her guidance.
I'm feeling so excited about what lies ahead, and I can't thank her enough for what a difference she's already made. If you're thinking of working with Kirsty, just do it. You won't regret it!
- Becky Went, Health and Wellness Copywriter