“Finding Kirsty during the first year of my freelance adventure was one of the best things that has ever happened to me!”

"Finding Kirsty during the first year of my freelance adventure was one of the best things that has ever happened to me! She supported me for six months and helped me get my medical writing business up and running.

More importantly, the work we did together led to so much clarity about what do I, how I do it and why I do it that I don't feel overwhelmed anymore.

On the contrary, thanks to Kirsty and her amazing coaching skills, I now feel aligned with my business, in charge of my time, and just genuinely proud of what I've been able to build.

I can't recommend her enough I will definitely work with her again in the future as I'm sure I'll need her inspiring, fun, and professional approach for the next phases of my professional life."

- Arianna Ferrini, PhD - Medical and Scientific Communications Writer


“Every now and then, a true gem comes along and makes a huge difference to both your personal life and business. That someone, for me, is Kirsty AND her Aligned For Success programme.”


“I highly recommend working with Kirsty in whatever capacity you can ❤️ I hope to work with her more in the future.”