The Blog
Creating Superstar Returning Clients
Did you know that finding a new client can cost up to five times more than returning or existing, clients? That's incredible, isn't it? So what are you doing to ensure customers come back to you time and time again?
Stuck in a Learning Cycle?
If you’re jumping from one course to the next, buying self-development books, listening to podcasts and, telling yourself you can’t move forward until you fill a knowledge gap, you might be stuck in a learning trap. How do you recognise you’re stuck and how do you get out of it?
Is Hustle Culture ALL Bad?
What exactly is hustle culture? Hustle culture is the glorification of an unhealthy working life, a life that consists of crazy hours living on caffeine, not sleeping, and generally working 100-120 hours a week, all for the external gains of a financial reward or for that job title you really want.
Sick of boring businesses? Let's start making business FUN!
I absolutely love bringing fun into my business and into the workplace and also helping clients do the same. Today I want to talk about why some business owners don't do this, the judgment around it, but also the benefits and impact of bringing fun into a business because there are so many.
What to do When Things Go Wrong in Business!
When we talk about things not working out, what do we mean? When I talk about it, I mean not getting the project that you want, losing a client or things just don't go as expected. You might have really wanted something and were working hard to get it, but you just didn't get the gig. Sometimes, things don’t end the way we want them to. In business, that can feel really hard. But it’s what we do next that counts.
How to Use 'Intention' as a Superpower in Business
What does it really mean when we talk about building a business with intention? It empowers you to make choices in your business. It empowers you to make choices that will allow you to direct your business in the way that you want. Let’s explore if you’re on the right path.
How to Harness Energy & Intuition to Create a Thriving Business.
Why is energy important in business? Energy is the good stuff, the stuff that makes you really good at the stuff that powers your mind, body, and soul. This is the stuff where the magic happens.
Do I Need a Vision?
Do we need a vision? What is the purpose of having a vision? You hear all these people talking about it but what does it actually mean? Let's unpack it together, and let's explore what creating a business vision is.
What Does a Business Coach Actually Do?
What does a business coach actually do? I get asked this all the time so today I’m going to tell you what they do, help you define if you need one and tell you how to pick one that is right for you.
What Do You Do When Feeling Stuck in Your Business?
What does it feel like to be stuck in business? It’s a feeling of dread and frustration but it’s important to get to the bottom of why we feel this way and why we are struggling to move forward.
What are The Realities of Starting A New Business?
When we start a new business or move from being an employee to a business owner, there are a lot of practical things we have to consider. Things like choosing the right business banking account. But those aren’t the things I want to talk to you about today. Today, I want to talk about the realities that come from starting something new.
Feeling Stuck in your Business?
Are you currently feeling stuck in your business? Do you feel like you’re going around in circles? I’m going to tell you about 5 things you can do to get unstuck. So, grab a pen and paper, write these exercises down, or simply print out this post and pin it somewhere you can see it to remind you when you start feeling stuck again.
What is Business Coaching?
With so many coaches out there to choose from, and so many businesses coming under the title of coach, it can be a minefield when deciding the right one to choose, or whether to work with a coach in the first place.
Is Your Fear Holding You Back in Business?
Fear in its most basic term is the body’s emotional reaction to something. It’s our body’s way of telling us that there is something we need to be aware of. However, a lot of the fears we have about business, are not actually real fears.
Are your Actions Intentional?
Often feel like you are taking lots of actions in your business but getting nowhere? That’s probably because your actions are not intentional. So, how do you get intentional about your actions and will doing so really yield results?
How to Create a Thriving Business?
What does it mean to thrive in business? For me, it means having the balance of something that is profitable and gives you freedom, but also something that makes you feel good and is aligned with your long-term goals.
Who are your Supporters, Inspirations, and Drains?
Have you ever given much thought to the people you surround yourself with? It’s actually really important to surround yourself with the right people who will be with you on your business journey.